Sunday, May 22, 2011


The stars of the show -the Blue Angels! Here the planes are lined up at the start of the show, they took off during the last hour.

Another plane that performed during the show was this Cold War veteran -from the other side!

Here the bi-planes of the air circus are lined-up and ready to rumble. And rumble those old radial engines did! Radial refers to the fact that the cylinders are literally placed in a circle around the crankshaft to drive the propeller.

The Barnstorming father/son duo return from their flight. During the flight, they literally walked on the wings of the plane; in addition to riding on the top wing, one of them also hung sideways from the post on top of the wing -like a flag. The best stunt was when the father hung upside-down from the bottom wing -holding on with his ankles!

The restored transport plane that the Army Black Knights jumped out of during the show. They made two jumps (different groups) and were quite visible with their red smoke units!

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