Sunday, May 8, 2011


A 1920's vintage Ford Model A coupe. This car was extensively rebuilt and restored to this condition. Note the rear 'rumble seat' where the trunk on today's cars would be. Two circular foot steps- one just above the rear bumper, the other on the back of the rear fender- helped you climb into the seat.

The same man who restored the Ford also restored this Chevy; I believe it's a late 40's car judging by the body style and windshield visor.

One of at least two Studebakers at the show, was this Champion sedan. If you read the 'Pickles' comic strip, this is similar to the car that grandpa drives. Unfortunately, Studebaker went out of business in the 60's.

Another 40's Chevy; this is what they were building when Pearl Harbor was hit. If you look closely under the hood, you can see the air horns!

Another rare bird is this Hudson Hornet. The Hudson car line disappeared in the 50's.

1 comment:

Delsie said...

Now, I realize what extensive restoration really means. The A-bone was the second baby of Ford. I can just imagine how something as vintage as that was restored to its former glory. I salute the man who did the restorations for the Ford and Chevy!

Delsie Maidens